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Inspired by sand play, Lisa Matthys and Katrien Oosterlinck (theatre maker) create game settings in which the participants create images with sand and objects. The participants look backwards, sideways and forwards to the different landscapes of their past, present and future. The arrangements of objects and figures in a landscape generate stories that give space to an unconscious layer. The game gives the freedom to look at their own stories in a differentiated way - through symbols.

The participants, all youngsters from Centrum West / D'Broej (Ester, Samba, Abdarrahim, Justin, Cédric, Steve, Chen-Lee, Piftou, Abdel), are witnesses to each other's stories.

The game atmosphere arises from the setting with materials, sounds and mutual guidance. In sand play an adult plays like a child, he takes it seriously. Unconscious contents are projected onto the sand, the objects and the figures.

The video-work will be exhibited in BOZAR in October 2021.

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